Source code for neurodsp.aperiodic.dfa

"""Fluctuation analyses to measure fractal properties of time series."""

import numpy as np

from import split_signal
from neurodsp.utils.checks import check_param_options


[docs]def compute_fluctuations(sig, fs, n_scales=10, min_scale=0.01, max_scale=1.0, deg=1, method='dfa'): """Compute a fluctuation analysis on a signal. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d array Time series. fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. n_scales : int, optional, default=10 Number of scales to estimate fluctuations over. min_scale : float, optional, default=0.01 Shortest scale to compute over, in seconds. max_scale : float, optional, default=1.0 Longest scale to compute over, in seconds. deg : int, optional, default=1 Polynomial degree for detrending. Only used for DFA. - 1 for regular DFA - 2 or higher for generalized DFA method : {'dfa', 'rs'} Method to use to compute fluctuations: - 'dfa' : detrended fluctuation - 'rs' : rescaled range Returns ------- t_scales : 1d array Time-scales over which fluctuation measures were computed. fluctuations : 1d array Average fluctuation at each scale. result : float Slope of line in log-log when plotting time scales against fluctuations. This is the alpha value for DFA, or the Hurst exponent for rescaled range. Notes ----- These analyses compute fractal properties by analyzing fluctuations across windows. Overall, these approaches involve dividing the time-series into non-overlapping windows at log-spaced scales and computing a fluctuation measure across windows. The relationship of this fluctuation measure across window sizes provides information on the fractal properties of a signal. Available measures are: - DFA: detrended fluctuation analysis - computes ordinary least squares fits across signal windows - RS: rescaled range - computes the range of signal windows, divided by the standard deviation Examples -------- Compute DFA of a simulated pink noise signal: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_powerlaw >>> sig = sim_powerlaw(n_seconds=10, fs=500, exponent=-1) >>> t_scales, flucts, dfa_exp = compute_fluctuations(sig, fs=500) Compute the Hurst exponent of a simulated pink noise signal: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_powerlaw >>> sig = sim_powerlaw(n_seconds=10, fs=500, exponent=-1) >>> t_scales, flucts, hurst_exp = compute_fluctuations(sig, fs=500) """ check_param_options(method, 'method', ['dfa', 'rs']) # Get log10 equi-spaced scales and translate that into window lengths t_scales = np.logspace(np.log10(min_scale), np.log10(max_scale), n_scales) win_lens = np.round(t_scales * fs).astype('int') # Check that all window sizes are fit-able if np.any(win_lens <= 1): raise ValueError("Some of window sizes are too small to run. " "Try updating `min_scale` to a value that works " "better for the current sampling rate.") # Step through each scale and measure fluctuations fluctuations = np.zeros_like(t_scales) for idx, win_len in enumerate(win_lens): if method == 'dfa': fluctuations[idx] = compute_detrended_fluctuation(sig, win_len=win_len, deg=deg) elif method == 'rs': fluctuations[idx] = compute_rescaled_range(sig, win_len=win_len) # Calculate the relationship between between fluctuations & time scales result = np.polyfit(np.log10(t_scales), np.log10(fluctuations), deg=1)[0] return t_scales, fluctuations, result
[docs]def compute_rescaled_range(sig, win_len): """Compute rescaled range of a given time series at a given scale. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d array Time series. win_len : int Window length for each rescaled range computation, in samples. Returns ------- rs : float Average rescaled range over windows. Notes ----- - Rescaled range was introduced as a measure of time series variability, by Harold Hurst [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ # Demean signal sig = sig - np.mean(sig) # Calculate cumulative sum of the signal & split the signal into segments segments = split_signal(np.cumsum(sig), win_len).T # Calculate rescaled range as range divided by standard deviation (of non-cumulative signal) rs_win = np.ptp(segments, axis=0) / np.std(split_signal(sig, win_len).T, axis=0) # Take the mean across windows rs = np.mean(rs_win) return rs
[docs]def compute_detrended_fluctuation(sig, win_len, deg=1): """Compute detrended fluctuation of a time series at the given window length. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d array Time series. win_len : int Window length for each detrended fluctuation fit, in samples. deg : int, optional, default=1 Polynomial degree for detrending. Returns ------- det_fluc : float Measured detrended fluctuation, as the average error fits of the window. Notes ----- - DFA was originally proposed in [1]_. - There is a relationship between DFA measures and 1/f exponent, as detailed in [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Peng, C.-K., Buldyrev, S. V., Havlin, S., Simons, M., Stanley, H. E., & Goldberger, A. L. (1994). Mosaic organization of DNA nucleotides. Physical Review E, 49(2), 1685–1689. DOI: .. [2] """ # Calculate cumulative sum of the signal & split the signal into segments segments = split_signal(np.cumsum(sig - np.mean(sig)), win_len).T # Calculate local trend, as the line of best fit within the time window _, fluc, _, _, _ = np.polyfit(np.arange(win_len), segments, deg=deg, full=True) # Convert to root-mean squared error, from squared error det_fluc = np.mean((fluc / win_len))**0.5 return det_fluc