Source code for neurodsp.burst.utils

"""Utility functions for burst analysis."""

import numpy as np


[docs]def compute_burst_stats(bursting, fs): """Compute statistics of bursts. Parameters ---------- bursting : 1d array Boolean indication of where bursts are present in the input signal. fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. Returns ------- stats_dict : dict Contains the following keys: * `n_bursts`: the number of bursts * `duration_mean`: mean duration of bursts, in seconds * `duration_std`: standard deviation of burst durations, in seconds * `percent_burst`: percent time in bursts * `burst_rate`: bursts/sec Examples -------- Compute statistics of detected bursts: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined >>> from neurodsp.burst import detect_bursts_dual_threshold >>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=10, fs=500, ... components={'sim_synaptic_current': {}, ... 'sim_bursty_oscillation' : {'freq': 10}}) >>> is_burst = detect_bursts_dual_threshold(sig, fs=500, dual_thresh=(1, 2), f_range=(8, 12)) >>> stats_dict = compute_burst_stats(is_burst, fs=500) """ tot_time = len(bursting) / fs change = np.diff(bursting) idcs, = change.nonzero() idcs += 1 # Get indices following the change. if bursting[0]: # If the first sample is part of a burst, prepend a zero. idcs = np.r_[0, idcs] if bursting[-1]: # If the last sample is part of a burst, append an index corresponding # to the length of signal. idcs = np.r_[idcs, bursting.size] starts = idcs[0::2] ends = idcs[1::2] durations = (ends - starts) / fs stats_dict = {'n_bursts': durations.size, 'duration_mean': durations.mean(), 'duration_std': durations.std(), 'percent_burst': 100 * sum(bursting) / len(bursting), 'bursts_per_second': durations.size / tot_time} return stats_dict