Source code for neurodsp.plts.filt

"""Plotting functions for neurodsp.filt."""

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import style_plot
from neurodsp.plts.utils import check_ax, savefig


[docs]@savefig def plot_filter_properties(f_db, db, fs, impulse_response, figsize=None): """Plot filter properties, including frequency response and filter kernel. Parameters ---------- f_db : 1d array Frequency vector corresponding to attenuation decibels, in Hz. db : 1d array Degree of attenuation for each frequency specified in f_db, in dB. fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. impulse_response : 1d array The impulse response of a filter. For an FIR filter, these are the filter coefficients. figsize : tuple, optional Size to create the figure. Examples -------- Plot the properties of an FIR bandpass filter: >>> from neurodsp.filt import design_fir_filter >>> from neurodsp.filt.utils import compute_frequency_response >>> fs = 500 >>> filter_coefs = design_fir_filter(fs, pass_type='bandpass', f_range=(1, 40)) >>> f_db, db = compute_frequency_response(filter_coefs, 1, fs) >>> plot_filter_properties(f_db, db, fs, filter_coefs) """ _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5) if not figsize else figsize) plot_frequency_response(f_db, db, ax=ax[0]) plot_impulse_response(fs, impulse_response, ax=ax[1])
[docs]@savefig @style_plot def plot_frequency_response(f_db, db, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot the frequency response of a filter. Parameters ---------- f_db : 1d array Frequency vector corresponding to attenuation decibels, in Hz. db : 1d array Degree of attenuation for each frequency specified in f_db, in dB. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **kwargs Keyword arguments for customizing the plot. Examples -------- Plot the frequency response of an FIR bandpass filter: >>> from neurodsp.filt import design_fir_filter >>> from neurodsp.filt.utils import compute_frequency_response >>> filter_coefs = design_fir_filter(fs=500, pass_type='bandpass', f_range=(1, 40)) >>> f_db, db = compute_frequency_response(filter_coefs, 1, fs=500) >>> plot_frequency_response(f_db, db) """ ax = check_ax(ax, figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize', (5, 5))) ax.plot(f_db, db, 'k') ax.set_title('Frequency response') ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax.set_ylabel('Attenuation (dB)')
[docs]@savefig @style_plot def plot_impulse_response(fs, impulse_response, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot the impulse response of a filter. Parameters ---------- fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. impulse_response : 1d array The impulse response of a filter. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **kwargs Keyword arguments for customizing the plot. Examples -------- Plot the impulse response of an FIR bandpass filter: >>> from neurodsp.filt import design_fir_filter >>> from neurodsp.filt.utils import compute_frequency_response >>> fs = 500 >>> filter_coefs = design_fir_filter(fs, pass_type='bandpass', f_range=(1, 40)) >>> plot_impulse_response(fs, filter_coefs) """ ax = check_ax(ax, figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize', (5, 5))) # Create a samples vector, center to zero, and convert to time samples = np.arange(len(impulse_response)) samples = samples - (len(samples) - 1) / 2 time = samples / fs ax.plot(time, impulse_response, 'k') ax.set_title('Kernel') ax.set_xlabel('Time (seconds)') ax.set_ylabel('Response')