Source code for neurodsp.sim.periodic

"""Simulating time series, with periodic activity."""

from itertools import repeat

import numpy as np

from import compute_nsamples, compute_cycle_nseconds, create_times
from neurodsp.utils.checks import check_param_range, check_param_options
from neurodsp.utils.decorators import normalize
from neurodsp.sim.cycles import sim_cycle, sim_normalized_cycle


[docs]@normalize def sim_oscillation(n_seconds, fs, freq, cycle='sine', phase=0, **cycle_params): """Simulate an oscillation. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Simulation time, in seconds. fs : float Signal sampling rate, in Hz. freq : float Oscillation frequency. cycle : {'sine', 'asine', 'sawtooth', 'gaussian', 'exp', '2exp', 'exp_cos', 'asym_harmonic'} or callable What type of oscillation cycle to simulate. See `sim_cycle` for details on cycle types and parameters. phase : float or {'min', 'max'}, optional, default: 0 If non-zero, applies a phase shift to the oscillation by rotating the cycle. If a float, the shift is defined as a relative proportion of cycle, between [0, 1]. If 'min' or 'max', the cycle is shifted to start at it's minima or maxima. **cycle_params Parameters for the simulated oscillation cycle. Returns ------- sig : 1d array Simulated oscillation. Examples -------- Simulate a continuous sinusoidal oscillation at 5 Hz: >>> sig = sim_oscillation(n_seconds=1, fs=500, freq=5) Simulate an asymmetric oscillation at 15 Hz, with a phase shift: >>> sig = sim_oscillation(n_seconds=1, fs=500, freq=15, ... cycle='asine', phase=0.5, rdsym=0.75) """ # Figure out how many cycles are needed for the signal n_cycles = int(np.ceil(n_seconds * freq)) # Compute the number of seconds per cycle for the requested frequency n_seconds_cycle = compute_cycle_nseconds(freq, fs) # Create a single cycle of an oscillation, for the requested frequency cycle = sim_cycle(n_seconds_cycle, fs, cycle, phase, **cycle_params) # Tile the cycle, to create the desired oscillation sig = np.tile(cycle, n_cycles) # Truncate the length of the signal to be the number of expected samples n_samples = compute_nsamples(n_seconds, fs) sig = sig[:n_samples] return sig
[docs]def sim_bursty_oscillation(n_seconds, fs, freq, burst_def='prob', burst_params=None, cycle='sine', phase=0, **cycle_params): """Simulate a bursty oscillation. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Simulation time, in seconds. fs : float Sampling rate of simulated signal, in Hz. freq : float Oscillation frequency, in Hz. burst_def : {'prob', 'durations'} or 1d array Which approach to take to define the bursts: - 'prob' : simulate bursts based on probabilities of entering and leaving bursts states. - 'durations' : simulate bursts based on lengths of bursts and inter-burst periods. - 1d array: use the given array as a definition of the bursts burst_params : dict Parameters for the burst definition approach. For the `prob` approach: enter_burst : float, optional, default: 0.2 Probability of a cycle being oscillating given the last cycle is not oscillating. leave_burst : float, optional, default: 0.2 Probability of a cycle not being oscillating given the last cycle is oscillating. For the `durations` approach: n_cycles_burst : int The number of cycles within each burst. n_cycles_off The number of non-bursting cycles, between bursts. cycle : {'sine', 'asine', 'sawtooth', 'gaussian', 'exp', '2exp', 'exp_cos', 'asym_harmonic'} What type of oscillation cycle to simulate. See `sim_cycle` for details on cycle types and parameters. phase : float or {'min', 'max'}, optional, default: 0 If non-zero, applies a phase shift to the oscillation by rotating the cycle. If a float, the shift is defined as a relative proportion of cycle, between [0, 1]. If 'min' or 'max', the cycle is shifted to start at it's minima or maxima. **cycle_params Parameters for the simulated oscillation cycle. Returns ------- sig : 1d array Simulated bursty oscillation. Notes ----- This function takes a 'tiled' approach to simulating cycles, with evenly spaced and consistent cycles across the whole signal, that are either oscillating or not. If the cycle length does not fit evenly into the simulated data length, then the last few samples will be non-oscillating. Examples -------- Simulate a probabilistic bursty oscillation, with a low probability of bursting: >>> sig = sim_bursty_oscillation(n_seconds=10, fs=500, freq=5, ... burst_params={'enter_burst' : 0.2, 'leave_burst' : 0.8}) Simulate a probabilistic bursty sawtooth oscillation, with a high probability of bursting: >>> sig = sim_bursty_oscillation(n_seconds=10, fs=500, freq=5, burst_def='prob', ... burst_params = {'enter_burst' : 0.8, 'leave_burst' : 0.4}, ... cycle='sawtooth', width=0.3) Simulate a bursty oscillation, with specified durations: >>> sig = sim_bursty_oscillation(n_seconds=10, fs=500, freq=10, burst_def='durations', ... burst_params={'n_cycles_burst' : 3, 'n_cycles_off' : 3}) """ if isinstance(burst_def, str): check_param_options(burst_def, 'burst_def', ['prob', 'durations']) # Consistency fix: catch old parameters, and remap into burst_params # This preserves the prior default values, and makes the old API work the same burst_params = {} if not burst_params else burst_params for burst_param in ['enter_burst', 'leave_burst']: temp = cycle_params.pop(burst_param, 0.2) if burst_def == 'prob' and burst_param not in burst_params: burst_params[burst_param] = temp # Simulate a normalized cycle to use for bursts n_seconds_cycle = compute_cycle_nseconds(freq, fs) osc_cycle = sim_normalized_cycle(n_seconds_cycle, fs, cycle, phase=phase, **cycle_params) # Calculate the number of cycles needed to tile the full signal n_cycles = int(np.floor(n_seconds * freq)) # Determine which periods will be oscillating if isinstance(burst_def, np.ndarray): is_oscillating = burst_def elif burst_def == 'prob': is_oscillating = make_is_osc_prob(n_cycles, **burst_params) elif burst_def == 'durations': is_oscillating = make_is_osc_durations(n_cycles, **burst_params) sig = make_bursts(n_seconds, fs, is_oscillating, osc_cycle) return sig
[docs]def sim_variable_oscillation(n_seconds, fs, freqs, cycle='sine', phase=0, **cycle_params): """Simulate an oscillation that varies in frequency and cycle parameters. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float or None Simulation time, in seconds. If None, the simulation time is based on `freqs` and the length of `cycle_params`. If a float, the signal may be truncated or contain trailing zeros if not exact. fs : float Signal sampling rate, in Hz. freqs : float or list Oscillation frequencies. cycle : {'sine', 'asine', 'sawtooth', 'gaussian', 'exp', '2exp'} or callable Type of oscillation cycle to simulate. See `sim_cycle` for details on cycle types and parameters. phase : float or {'min', 'max'}, optional, default: 0 If non-zero, applies a phase shift to the oscillation by rotating the cycle. If a float, the shift is defined as a relative proportion of cycle, between [0, 1]. If 'min' or 'max', the cycle is shifted to start at it's minima or maxima. **cycle_params Parameter floats or variable lists for each cycle. Returns ------- sig : 1d array Simulated bursty oscillation. Examples -------- Simulate one second of an oscillation with a varying center frequency: >>> freqs = np.tile([10, 11, 10, 9], 5) >>> sig = sim_variable_oscillation(1, 1000, freqs) Simulate an oscillation with varying frequency and parameters for a given number of cycles: >>> freqs = [ 5, 10, 15, 20] >>> rdsyms = [.2, .4, .6, .8] >>> sig = sim_variable_oscillation(None, 1000, freqs, cycle='asine', rdsym=rdsyms) """ # Ensure param lists are the same length param_keys = cycle_params.keys() param_values = list(cycle_params.values()) param_lengths = np.array([len(params) for params in param_values if isinstance(params, (tuple, list, np.ndarray))]) # Determine the number of cycles if isinstance(freqs, (np.ndarray, list)): n_cycles = len(freqs) elif len(param_lengths) > 0: n_cycles = param_lengths[0] else: n_cycles = 1 # Ensure freqs is iterable and an array freqs = np.array([freqs] * n_cycles) if isinstance(freqs, (int, float, np.number)) else freqs freqs = np.array(freqs) if not isinstance(freqs, np.ndarray) else freqs # Ensure lengths of variable params are equal if ~(param_lengths == len(freqs)).all(): raise ValueError('Length of cycle_params lists and freqs must be equal.') # Ensure all kwargs params are iterable for idx, param in enumerate(param_values): if not isinstance(param, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): param_values[idx] = [param] * n_cycles param_values = np.array(param_values).transpose() # Collect params for each cycle separately cycle_params = [dict(zip(param_keys, params)) for params in param_values] cycle_params = [{}] * len(freqs) if len(cycle_params) == 0 else cycle_params # Determine start/end indices, in samples cyc_lens = [compute_nsamples(1 / freq, fs) for freq in freqs] ends = np.cumsum(cyc_lens, dtype=int) starts = [0, *ends[:-1]] # Check and get the total number of signals, and initialize the output array n_samples = np.sum(cyc_lens) if n_seconds is None else compute_nsamples(n_seconds, fs) sig = np.zeros(n_samples) # Simulate signal, adding each cycle with spefified parameters for freq, params, start, end in zip(freqs, cycle_params, starts, ends): if start > n_samples or end > n_samples: break n_seconds_cycle = compute_cycle_nseconds(freq, fs) sig[start:end] = sim_normalized_cycle(n_seconds_cycle, fs, cycle, phase, **params) return sig
[docs]def sim_damped_oscillation(n_seconds, fs, freq, gamma, growth=None): """Simulate a damped relaxation oscillation. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Simulation time, in seconds. fs : float Signal sampling rate, in Hz. freq : float Oscillation frequency, in Hz. gamma : float Parametric dampening coefficient. growth : float, optional, default: None Logistic growth rate to smooth the heaviside step function. If None, a non-smoothed heaviside is used. Returns ------- sig : 1d array Simulated damped relaxation oscillation. Notes ----- - This implementation of a damped oscillation is implemented as Equation 3 of [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Evertz, R., Hicks, D. G., & Liley, D. T. J. (2021). Alpha blocking and 1/fβ spectral scaling in resting EEG can be accounted for by a sum of damped alpha band oscillatory processes. bioRxiv. DOI: Examples -------- Simulate a damped alpha oscillation: >>> sig = sim_damped_oscillation(1, 1000, 10, .1) """ times = create_times(n_seconds, fs) exp = np.exp(-1 * gamma * times) cos = np.cos(2 * np.pi * freq * times) if growth is None: logit = 1 else: # Smooth heaviside as a logit logit = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-2 * growth * times)) return exp * cos * logit
def make_bursts(n_seconds, fs, is_oscillating, cycle): """Create a bursting time series by tiling when oscillations occur. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Simulation time, in seconds. fs : float Sampling rate of simulated signal, in Hz. is_oscillating : 1d array of bool Definition of whether each cycle is bursting or not. cycle : 1d array The cycle to use for bursts. Returns ------- burst_sig : 1d array Simulated bursty oscillation. """ n_samples = compute_nsamples(n_seconds, fs) n_samples_cycle = len(cycle) burst_sig = np.zeros([n_samples]) for sig_ind, is_osc in zip(range(0, n_samples, n_samples_cycle), is_oscillating): # If set as an oscillating cycle, add cycle to signal # The sample check is to check there are enough samples left to add a full cycle # If there are not, this skipps the add, leaving zeros instead of adding part of a cycle if is_osc and sig_ind + n_samples_cycle < n_samples: burst_sig[sig_ind:sig_ind+n_samples_cycle] = cycle return burst_sig def make_is_osc_prob(n_cycles, enter_burst, leave_burst): """Create bursting definition, based on probabilistic burst starts and stops. Parameters ---------- n_cycles : int The number of cycles to simulate the burst definition for. enter_burst : float, optional, default: 0.2 Probability of a cycle entering a burst, given the last cycle is not oscillating. leave_burst : float, optional, default: 0.2 Probability of a cycle leaving a burst, given the last cycle is oscillating. Returns ------- is_oscillations : 1d array of bool Definition of whether each cycle is bursting or not. """ check_param_range(enter_burst, 'enter_burst', [0., 1.]) check_param_range(leave_burst, 'leave_burst', [0., 1.]) # Initialize vector of burst definitions is_oscillating = np.zeros(n_cycles, dtype=bool) for ind in range(1, n_cycles): rand_num = np.random.rand() # If prior cycle bursting, leave burst with given probability if is_oscillating[ind-1]: is_oscillating[ind] = rand_num > leave_burst # Otherwise, with prior cycle not bursting, enter burst with given probability else: is_oscillating[ind] = rand_num < enter_burst return is_oscillating def make_is_osc_durations(n_cycles, n_cycles_burst, n_cycles_off): """Create bursting definition, based on cycle lengths and intervals. Parameters ---------- n_cycles : int The number of cycles to simulate the burst definition for. n_cycles_burst : int Number of cycles within a burst. n_cycles_off : int Number of cycles between bursts. Returns ------- is_oscillations : 1d array of bool Definition of whether each cycle is bursting or not. """ # Make the burst parameters iterators n_cycles_burst = repeat(n_cycles_burst) if isinstance(n_cycles_burst, int) else n_cycles_burst n_cycles_off = repeat(n_cycles_off) if isinstance(n_cycles_off, int) else n_cycles_off # Initialize is oscillating is_oscillating = np.zeros(n_cycles, dtype=bool) # Fill in bursts ind = 0 while ind < len(is_oscillating): # Within a burst, set specified cycles as bursting b_len = next(n_cycles_burst) is_oscillating[ind: ind+b_len] = True # Update index for the next burst off_len = next(n_cycles_off) ind = ind + b_len + off_len return is_oscillating def get_burst_samples(is_oscillating, fs, freq): """Convert a burst definition from cycles to samples. Parameters ---------- is_oscillating : 1d array of bool Definition of whether each cycle is bursting or not. fs : float Sampling rate of simulated signal, in Hz. freq : float Oscillation frequency, in Hz. Returns ------- bursts : 1d array of bool Definition of whether each sample is part of a burst or not. """ n_samples_cycle = compute_nsamples(1 / freq, fs) bursts = np.repeat(is_oscillating, n_samples_cycle) return bursts