Source code for neurodsp.sim.transients

"""Simulating transients."""

from warnings import warn

from itertools import repeat

import numpy as np

from import create_times, compute_nsamples


[docs]def sim_synaptic_kernel(n_seconds, fs, tau_r, tau_d): """Simulate a synaptic kernel with specified time constants. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of simulated kernel in seconds. fs : float Sampling rate of simulated signal, in Hz. tau_r : float Rise time of synaptic kernel, in seconds. tau_d : float Decay time of synaptic kernel, in seconds. Returns ------- kernel : 1d array Simulated synaptic kernel. Notes ----- Three types of kernels are available, based on combinations of time constants: - tau_r == tau_d : alpha synapse - tau_r = 0 : instantaneous rise, with single exponential decay - tau_r != tau_d != 0 : double-exponential, with exponential rise and decay Examples -------- Simulate an alpha synaptic kernel: >>> kernel = sim_synaptic_kernel(n_seconds=1, fs=500, tau_r=0.25, tau_d=0.25) Simulate a double exponential synaptic kernel: >>> kernel = sim_synaptic_kernel(n_seconds=1, fs=500, tau_r=0.1, tau_d=0.3) """ # Create a times vector times = create_times(n_seconds, fs) # Kernel type: single exponential if tau_r == 0: kernel = np.exp(-times / tau_d) # Kernel type: alpha elif tau_r == tau_d: # I(t) = t/tau * exp(-t/tau) kernel = (times / tau_r) * np.exp(-times / tau_r) # Kernel type: double exponential else: if tau_r > tau_d: warn('Rise time constant should be shorter than decay time constant.') # I(t)=(tau_r/(tau_r-tau_d))*(exp(-t/tau_d)-exp(-t/tau_r)) kernel = (np.exp(-times / tau_d) - np.exp(-times / tau_r)) # Normalize the integral to 1 kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel) return kernel
[docs]def sim_action_potential(n_seconds, fs, centers, stds, alphas, heights): """Simulate an action potential as the sum of skewed gaussians. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of cycle window in seconds. fs : float Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation. centers : array-like or float Times where the peak occurs in the pre-skewed gaussian. stds : array-like or float Standard deviations of the gaussian kernels, in seconds. alphas : array-like or float Magnitiude and direction of the skew. heights : array-like or float Maximum value of the cycles. Returns ------- cycle : 1d array Simulated spike cycle. Examples -------- Simulate an action potential: >>> ap = sim_action_potential(n_seconds=0.01, fs=30000, ... centers=[0.35, 0.45, 0.6], stds=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], ... alphas=[-1, 0, 1], heights=[1.5, -5, 0.5]) """ # Prevent circular import from neurodsp.sim.cycles import sim_skewed_gaussian_cycle # Determine number of parameters and repeat if necessary params = [] n_params = [] for param in [centers, stds, alphas, heights]: if isinstance(param, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): n_params.append(len(param)) else: param = repeat(param) params.append(param) # Parameter checking if len(n_params) != 0 and len(set(n_params)) != 1: raise ValueError('Unequal lengths between two or more of {centers, stds, alphas, heights}.') # Simulate elif len(n_params) == 0: # Single gaussian cycle = sim_skewed_gaussian_cycle(n_seconds, fs, centers, stds, alphas, heights) else: # Multiple gaussians cycle = np.zeros((n_params[0], compute_nsamples(n_seconds, fs))) for idx, (center, std, alpha, height) in enumerate(zip(*params)): cycle[idx] = sim_skewed_gaussian_cycle(n_seconds, fs, center, std, alpha, height) cycle = np.sum(cycle, axis=0) return cycle
[docs]def sim_damped_erp(n_seconds, fs, amp, freq, decay=0.05, time_start=0.): """Simulate an ERP complex as a decaying (damped) sine wave. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of simulated kernel in seconds. fs : float Sampling rate of simulated signal, in Hz. amp : float Amplitude of the ERP. freq : float Frequency of the ERP complex, in Hz. decay : float, optional, default: 0.05 The exponential decay time of the ERP envelope. time_start : float, optional, default: 0. Start time, in seconds. Samples prior to start time are zero. Returns ------- erp : 1d array Simulated ERP. Notes ----- This approach simulates simplified ERP complex as an exponentially decaying sine wave. Examples -------- Simulate an ERP complex with a frequency of 7 Hz and a 50 ms decay time: >>> erp = sim_damped_erp(n_seconds=0.5, fs=500, amp=1, freq=7, decay=0.05) Simulate an ERP complex with a frequency of 10 Hz and a 25 ms decay time: >>> erp = sim_damped_erp(n_seconds=0.5, fs=500, amp=1, freq=10, decay=0.025) Reference --------- .. [1] van Diepen, R. M., & Mazaheri, A. (2018). The Caveats of observing Inter-Trial Phase-Coherence in Cognitive Neuroscience. Scientific Reports, 8(1). DOI: """ times = create_times(n_seconds, fs) _erp = amp * ((times) / decay) * np.exp(1 - (times) / decay) * \ np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * (times)) sample_start = int(time_start * fs) erp = np.zeros_like(times) erp[sample_start:] = _erp[:len(times)-sample_start] return erp