Source code for neurodsp.timefrequency.wavelets

"""Time-frequency decompositions using wavelets."""

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import morlet

from import create_freqs
from neurodsp.utils.checks import check_n_cycles, check_param_options
from neurodsp.utils.decorators import multidim


[docs]@multidim() def compute_wavelet_transform(sig, fs, freqs, n_cycles=7, scaling=0.5, norm='amp'): """Compute the time-frequency representation of a signal using morlet wavelets. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d array Time series. fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. freqs : 1d array or list of float If array, frequency values to estimate with morlet wavelets. If list, define the frequency range, as [freq_start, freq_stop, freq_step]. The `freq_step` is optional, and defaults to 1. Range is inclusive of `freq_stop` value. n_cycles : float or 1d array Length of the filter, as the number of cycles for each frequency. If 1d array, this defines n_cycles for each frequency. scaling : float Scaling factor. norm : {'sss', 'amp'}, optional Normalization method: * 'sss' - divide by the square root of the sum of squares * 'amp' - divide by the sum of amplitudes Returns ------- mwt : 2d array Time frequency representation of the input signal. Notes ----- This computes the continuous wavelet transform at specified frequencies across time. Examples -------- Compute a Morlet wavelet time-frequency representation of a signal: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined >>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=10, fs=500, ... components={'sim_powerlaw': {}, 'sim_oscillation' : {'freq': 10}}) >>> mwt = compute_wavelet_transform(sig, fs=500, freqs=[1, 30]) """ if isinstance(freqs, (tuple, list)): freqs = create_freqs(*freqs) n_cycles = check_n_cycles(n_cycles, len(freqs)) mwt = np.zeros([len(freqs), len(sig)], dtype=complex) for ind, (freq, n_cycle) in enumerate(zip(freqs, n_cycles)): mwt[ind, :] = convolve_wavelet(sig, fs, freq, n_cycle, scaling, norm=norm) return mwt
[docs]@multidim() def convolve_wavelet(sig, fs, freq, n_cycles=7, scaling=0.5, wavelet_len=None, norm='sss'): """Convolve a signal with a complex wavelet. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d array Time series to filter. fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. freq : float Center frequency of bandpass filter. n_cycles : float, optional, default: 7 Length of the filter, as the number of cycles of the oscillation with specified frequency. scaling : float, optional, default: 0.5 Scaling factor for the morlet wavelet. wavelet_len : int, optional Length of the wavelet. If defined, this overrides the freq and n_cycles inputs. norm : {'sss', 'amp'}, optional Normalization method: * 'sss' - divide by the square root of the sum of squares * 'amp' - divide by the sum of amplitudes Returns ------- array Complex time series. Notes ----- * The real part of the returned array is the filtered signal. * Taking np.abs() of output gives the analytic amplitude. * Taking np.angle() of output gives the analytic phase. Examples -------- Convolve a complex wavelet with a simulated signal: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined >>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=10, fs=500, ... components={'sim_powerlaw': {}, 'sim_oscillation' : {'freq': 10}}) >>> cts = convolve_wavelet(sig, fs=500, freq=10) """ check_param_options(norm, 'norm', ['sss', 'amp']) if wavelet_len is None: wavelet_len = int(n_cycles * fs / freq) if wavelet_len > sig.shape[-1]: raise ValueError('The length of the wavelet is greater than the signal. Can not proceed.') morlet_f = morlet(wavelet_len, w=n_cycles, s=scaling) if norm == 'sss': morlet_f = morlet_f / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(morlet_f)**2)) elif norm == 'amp': morlet_f = morlet_f / np.sum(np.abs(morlet_f)) mwt_real = np.convolve(sig, np.real(morlet_f), mode='same') mwt_imag = np.convolve(sig, np.imag(morlet_f), mode='same') return mwt_real + 1j * mwt_imag