Source code for

"""Data related utility functions."""

import numpy as np


[docs]def create_freqs(freq_start, freq_stop, freq_step=1): """Create an array of frequencies. Parameters ---------- freq_start : float Starting value for the frequency definition. freq_stop : float Stopping value for the frequency definition, inclusive. freq_step : float, optional, default: 1 Step value, for linearly spaced values between start and stop. Returns ------- freqs : 1d array Frequency indices. """ return np.arange(freq_start, freq_stop + freq_step, freq_step)
[docs]def create_times(n_seconds, fs, start_val=0.): """Create an array of time indices. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Signal duration, in seconds. fs : float Signal sampling rate, in Hz. start_val : float, optional, default: 0 Starting value for the time definition. Returns ------- times : 1d array Time indices. """ return np.linspace(start_val, n_seconds+start_val, compute_nsamples(n_seconds, fs)+1)[:-1]
[docs]def create_samples(n_samples, start_val=0): """Create an array of sample indices. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Signal duration, in seconds. start_val : int, optional, default: 0 Starting value for the samples definition. Returns ------- samples : 1d array Sample indices. """ return np.arange(start_val, n_samples, 1)
[docs]def compute_nsamples(n_seconds, fs): """Calculate the number of samples for a given time definition. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Signal duration, in seconds. fs : float Signal sampling rate, in Hz. Returns ------- n_samples : int The number of samples. Notes ----- The result has to be rounded, in order to ensure that the number of samples is a whole number. By convention, this rounds up, which is needed to ensure that cycles don't end up being shorter than expected, which can lead to shorter than expected signals, after concatenation. """ return int(np.ceil(n_seconds * fs))
[docs]def compute_nseconds(sig, fs): """Compute the length, in time, of a signal. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d array Time series. fs : float Signal sampling rate, in Hz. Returns ------- fs : float Signal duration, in seconds. """ return len(sig) / fs
[docs]def compute_cycle_nseconds(freq, fs=None): """Compute the length, in seconds, for a single cycle at a particular frequency. Parameters ---------- freq : float Oscillation frequency, in Hz. fs : float, optional Sampling rate, in Hz. If provided, this is used to get a cycle length optimized for the sampling rate. Returns ------- n_seconds : float The number of seconds of a single cycle at the specified frequency. Notes ----- The rounding is used to get a value that works with the sampling rate. """ if fs: n_seconds = int(np.ceil(fs / freq)) / fs else: n_seconds = 1 / freq return n_seconds
[docs]def split_signal(sig, n_samples): """Split a signal into non-overlapping segments. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d array Time series. n_samples : int The chunk size to split the signal into, in samples. Returns ------- segments : 2d array The signal, split into segments, with shape [n_segment, segment_size]. Notes ----- If the signal does not divide evenly into the number of segments, this approach will truncate the signal, returning the maximum number of segments, and dropping any leftover samples. """ n_segments = int(np.floor(len(sig) / float(n_samples))) segments = np.reshape(sig[:int(n_segments * n_samples)], (n_segments, int(n_samples))) return segments