Source code for neurodsp.utils.outliers

"""Outlier & missing data related utility functions."""

import numpy as np


[docs]def remove_nans(sig): """Drop any NaNs on the edges of an array. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d or 2d array Signal to be checked for edge NaNs. Returns ------- sig_removed : 1d or 2d array Signal with NaN edges removed. sig_nans : 1d array Boolean array indicating where NaNs were in the original array. Notes ----- For 2d arrays, this function assumes the same columns to be NaN across all rows. """ sig_nans = np.isnan(sig) if sig.ndim == 1: sig_removed = sig[np.where(~sig_nans)] elif sig.ndim == 2: sig_removed = sig[~sig_nans].reshape(sig_nans.shape[0], sum(~sig_nans[0, :])) sig_nans = sig_nans[0, :] else: raise ValueError('Only 1d or 2d arrays supported.') return sig_removed, sig_nans
[docs]def restore_nans(sig, sig_nans, dtype=float): """Restore NaN values to the edges of an array. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d or 2d array Signal that has had NaN edges removed. sig_nans : 1d array Boolean array indicating where NaNs were in the original array. Returns ------- sig_restored : 1d or 2d array Signal with NaN edges restored. Notes ----- If sig is 2d, the sig_nans input should reflect the values for a row. This function assumes the same columns to be NaN across all rows. """ if sig.ndim == 1: sig_restored = np.ones(len(sig_nans), dtype=dtype) * np.nan sig_restored[~sig_nans] = sig elif sig.ndim == 2: sig_restored = np.ones([sig.shape[0], len(sig_nans)], dtype=dtype) * np.nan sig_restored[:, np.where(sig_nans == False)[0]] = sig else: raise ValueError('Only 1d or 2d arrays supported.') return sig_restored
[docs]def discard_outliers(data, outlier_percent): """Discard outlier arrays with high values. Parameters ---------- data : 2d or 3d array Array to remove outliers from. outlier_percent : float The percentage of outlier values to be removed. Must be between 0 and 100. Returns ------- data : array Array after removing outliers. Notes ----- This function drops entries across the last dimension. Values are dropped based on being an outlier in log10 spacing. """ # Get the number of arrays to discard - round up so it doesn't get a zero. n_discard = int(np.ceil(data.shape[-1] / 100. * outlier_percent)) # Check discard settings compared to data size if n_discard >= data.shape[-1]: raise ValueError('Outlier removal would discard all data. Can not proceed.') # Make 2D -> 3D for looping across array data = data[np.newaxis, :, :] if data.ndim == 2 else data # Select the windows to keep from each 2D component of the input data data = [dat[:, np.argsort(np.mean(np.log10(dat), axis=0))[:-n_discard]] for dat in data] # Reshape array and squeeze to drop back to 2D if that was original shape data = np.squeeze(np.stack(data)) # Ensure output maintains the correct shape, keeping 2D if ends up as 1D if data.ndim == 1: data = data[:, np.newaxis] return data