Source code for

"""The lagged coherence algorithm for estimating the rhythmicity of a neural signal."""

from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from import hann

from neurodsp.utils.checks import check_n_cycles
from import create_freqs, split_signal
from neurodsp.utils.decorators import multidim


[docs]@multidim(select=[1]) def compute_lagged_coherence(sig, fs, freqs, n_cycles=3, return_spectrum=False): """Compute lagged coherence, reflecting the rhythmicity across a frequency range. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d array Time series. fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. freqs : 1d array or list of float The frequency values at which to estimate lagged coherence. If array, defines the frequency values to use. If list, define the frequency range, as [freq_start, freq_stop, freq_step]. The `freq_step` is optional, and defaults to 1. Range is inclusive of `freq_stop` value. n_cycles : float or list of float, default: 3 The number of cycles to use to compute lagged coherence, for each frequency. If a single value, the same number of cycles is used for each frequency. If a list or list_like, there should be a value corresponding to each frequency. return_spectrum : bool, optional, default: False If True, return the lagged coherence for all frequency values. Otherwise, only the mean lagged coherence value across the frequency range is returned. Returns ------- lcs : float or 1d array If `return_spectrum` is False: mean lagged coherence value across the frequency range. If `return_spectrum` is True: lagged coherence values for all frequencies. freqs : 1d array Frequencies, corresponding to the lagged coherence values, in Hz. Only returned if `return_spectrum` is True. Notes ----- - The lagged coherence algorithm is described in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Fransen, A. M., van Ede, F., & Maris, E. (2015). Identifying neuronal oscillations using rhythmicity. NeuroImage, 118, 256-267. DOI: Examples -------- Compute lagged coherence for a simulated signal with beta oscillations: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined >>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=10, fs=500, ... components={'sim_synaptic_current': {}, ... 'sim_bursty_oscillation': {'freq': 20, ... 'enter_burst': .50, ... 'leave_burst': .25}}) >>> lag_cohs = compute_lagged_coherence(sig, fs=500, freqs=(5, 35)) """ if isinstance(freqs, (tuple, list)): freqs = create_freqs(*freqs) n_cycles = check_n_cycles(n_cycles, len(freqs)) # Calculate lagged coherence for each frequency lcs = np.zeros(len(freqs)) for ind, (freq, n_cycle) in enumerate(zip(freqs, n_cycles)): lcs[ind] = lagged_coherence_1freq(sig, fs, freq, n_cycles=n_cycle) # Check if all values were properly estimated if sum(np.isnan(lcs)) > 0: warn("NEURODSP - LAGGED COHERENCE WARNING:" "\nLagged coherence could not be estimated for at least some requested frequencies." "\nThis happens, especially with low frequencies, when there are not enough samples " "per segment and/or not enough segments available to estimate the measure." "\nTry using a greater number of cycles and/or a longer signal length, and/or " "adjust the frequency range.") if return_spectrum: return lcs, freqs else: return np.mean(lcs)
def lagged_coherence_1freq(sig, fs, freq, n_cycles): """Compute the lagged coherence at a particular frequency. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d array Time series. fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. freq : float The frequency at which to estimate lagged coherence. n_cycles : float The number of cycles of the given frequency to use to compute lagged coherence. Returns ------- lc : float The computed lagged coherence value. Notes ----- - Lagged coherence is computed using hanning-tapered FFTs. - The returned lagged coherence value is bound between 0 and 1. """ # Determine number of samples to be used in each window to compute lagged coherence n_samps = int(np.ceil(n_cycles * fs / freq)) # Split the signal into chunks chunks = split_signal(sig, n_samps) n_chunks = len(chunks) # Create the window to apply to each chunk hann_window = hann(n_samps) # Create the frequency vector, finding the frequency value of interest fft_freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(n_samps, 1 / float(fs)) fft_freqs_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(fft_freqs - freq)) # Calculate the Fourier coefficients across chunks for the frequency of interest fft_coefs = np.zeros(n_chunks, dtype=complex) for ind, chunk in enumerate(chunks): fourier_coef = np.fft.fft(chunk * hann_window) fft_coefs[ind] = fourier_coef[fft_freqs_idx] # Compute lagged coherence across data segments lcs_num = 0 for ind in range(n_chunks - 1): lcs_num += fft_coefs[ind] * np.conj(fft_coefs[ind + 1]) lcs_denom = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(fft_coefs[:-1])**2) * np.sum(np.abs(fft_coefs[1:])**2)) # Normalize the lagged coherence value lc_val = np.abs(lcs_num / lcs_denom) return lc_val