Source code for neurodsp.sim.cycles

"""Simulating individual cycles, of different types."""

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import sawtooth
from scipy.stats import norm

from import get_sim_func
from import compute_nsamples
from neurodsp.utils.checks import check_param_range, check_param_options
from neurodsp.utils.decorators import normalize
from neurodsp.sim.transients import sim_synaptic_kernel, sim_action_potential


[docs]def sim_cycle(n_seconds, fs, cycle_type, phase=0, **cycle_params): """Simulate a single cycle of a periodic pattern. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of cycle window in seconds. This is NOT the period of the cycle, but the length of the returned array of the cycle. fs : float Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation. cycle_type : str or callable What type of cycle to simulate. String label options include: * sine: a sine wave cycle * asine: an asymmetric sine cycle * sawtooth: a sawtooth cycle * gaussian: a gaussian cycle * skewed_gaussian: a skewed gaussian cycle * exp: a cycle with exponential decay * 2exp: a cycle with exponential rise and decay * exp_cos: an exponential cosine cycle * asym_harmonic: an asymmetric cycle made as a sum of harmonics * ap: an action potential phase : float or {'min', 'max'}, optional, default: 0 If non-zero, applies a phase shift by rotating the cycle. If a float, the shift is defined as a relative proportion of cycle, between [0, 1]. If 'min' or 'max', the cycle is shifted to start at it's minima or maxima. **cycle_params Keyword arguments for parameters of the cycle, all as float: * sine: None * asine: `rdsym`, rise-decay symmetry, from 0-1 * sawtooth: `width`, width of the rising ramp as a proportion of the total cycle * gaussian: `std`, standard deviation of the gaussian kernel, in seconds * skewed_gaussian: `center`, `std`, `alpha`, `height` * exp: `tau_d`, decay time, in seconds * 2exp: `tau_r` & `tau_d` rise time, and decay time, in seconds * exp_cos: `exp`, `scale`, `shift` * asym_harmonic: `phi`, the phase at each harmonic and `n_harmonics` * ap: `centers`, `stds`, `alphas`, `heights` Returns ------- cycle : 1d array Simulated cycle. Notes ----- Any function defined in sim.cycles as `sim_label_cycle(n_seconds, fs, **params)`, is accessible by this function. The `cycle_type` input must match the label. Examples -------- Simulate a half second sinusoid, corresponding to a 2 Hz cycle (frequency=1/n_seconds): >>> cycle = sim_cycle(n_seconds=0.5, fs=500, cycle_type='sine') Simulate a sawtooth cycle, corresponding to a 10 Hz cycle: >>> cycle = sim_cycle(n_seconds=0.1, fs=500, cycle_type='sawtooth', width=0.3) """ if isinstance(cycle_type, str): cycle_func = get_sim_func('sim_' + cycle_type + '_cycle', modules=['cycles']) else: cycle_func = cycle_type cycle = cycle_func(n_seconds, fs, **cycle_params) cycle = phase_shift_cycle(cycle, phase) return cycle
@normalize def sim_normalized_cycle(n_seconds, fs, cycle_type, phase=0, **cycle_params): return sim_cycle(n_seconds, fs, cycle_type, phase, **cycle_params) sim_normalized_cycle.__doc__ = sim_cycle.__doc__
[docs]def sim_sine_cycle(n_seconds, fs): """Simulate a cycle of a sine wave. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of cycle window in seconds. fs : float Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation. Returns ------- cycle : 1d array Simulated sine cycle. Examples -------- Simulate a cycle of a 1 Hz sine wave: >>> cycle = sim_sine_cycle(n_seconds=1, fs=500) """ times = create_cycle_time(n_seconds, fs) cycle = np.sin(times) return cycle
[docs]def sim_asine_cycle(n_seconds, fs, rdsym, side='both'): """Simulate a cycle of an asymmetric sine wave. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of cycle window in seconds. Note that this is NOT the period of the cycle, but the length of the returned array that contains the cycle, which can be (and usually is) much shorter. fs : float Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation. rdsym : float Rise-decay symmetry of the cycle, as fraction of the period in the rise time, where: = 0.5 - symmetric (sine wave) < 0.5 - shorter rise, longer decay > 0.5 - longer rise, shorter decay side : {'both', 'peak', 'trough'} Which side of the cycle to make asymmetric. Returns ------- cycle : 1d array Simulated asymmetric cycle. Examples -------- Simulate a 2 Hz asymmetric sine cycle: >>> cycle = sim_asine_cycle(n_seconds=0.5, fs=500, rdsym=0.75) """ check_param_range(rdsym, 'rdsym', [0., 1.]) check_param_options(side, 'side', ['both', 'peak', 'trough']) # Determine number of samples n_samples = compute_nsamples(n_seconds, fs) half_sample = int(n_samples/2) # Check for an odd number of samples (for half peaks, we need to fix this later) remainder = n_samples % 2 # Calculate number of samples rising n_rise = int(np.round(n_samples * rdsym)) n_rise1 = int(np.ceil(n_rise/2)) n_rise2 = int(np.floor(n_rise/2)) # Calculate number of samples decaying n_decay = n_samples - n_rise n_decay1 = half_sample - n_rise1 # Create phase definition for cycle with both extrema being asymmetric if side == 'both': phase = np.hstack([np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, n_rise1 + 1), np.linspace(np.pi/2, -np.pi/2, n_decay + 1)[1:-1], np.linspace(-np.pi/2, 0, n_rise2 + 1)[:-1]]) # Create phase definition for cycle with only one extrema being asymmetric elif side == 'peak': half_sample += 1 if bool(remainder) else 0 phase = np.hstack([np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, n_rise1 + 1), np.linspace(np.pi/2, np.pi, n_decay1 + 1)[1:-1], np.linspace(-np.pi, 0, half_sample + 1)[:-1]]) elif side == 'trough': half_sample -= 1 if not bool(remainder) else 0 phase = np.hstack([np.linspace(0, np.pi, half_sample + 1)[:-1], np.linspace(-np.pi, -np.pi/2, n_decay1 + 1), np.linspace(-np.pi/2, 0, n_rise1 + 1)[:-1]]) # Convert phase definition to signal cycle = np.sin(phase) return cycle
[docs]def sim_sawtooth_cycle(n_seconds, fs, width): """Simulate a cycle of a sawtooth wave. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of cycle window in seconds. fs : float Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation. width : float Width of the rising ramp as a proportion of the total cycle. Returns ------- cycle : 1d array Simulated sawtooth cycle. Examples -------- Simulate a symmetric cycle of a sawtooth wave: >>> cycle = sim_sawtooth_cycle(n_seconds=0.25, fs=500, width=0.5) """ check_param_range(width, 'width', [0., 1.]) times = create_cycle_time(n_seconds, fs) cycle = sawtooth(times, width) return cycle
[docs]def sim_gaussian_cycle(n_seconds, fs, std, center=.5): """Simulate a cycle of a gaussian. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of cycle window in seconds. fs : float Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation. std : float Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel, in seconds. center : float, optional, default: 0.5 The center of the gaussian. Returns ------- cycle : 1d array Simulated gaussian cycle. Examples -------- Simulate a cycle of a gaussian wave: >>> cycle = sim_gaussian_cycle(n_seconds=0.2, fs=500, std=0.025) """ xs = np.linspace(0, 1, compute_nsamples(n_seconds, fs)) cycle = np.exp(-(xs-center)**2 / (2*std**2)) return cycle
[docs]def sim_skewed_gaussian_cycle(n_seconds, fs, center, std, alpha, height=1): """Simulate a cycle of a skewed gaussian. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of cycle window in seconds. fs : float Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation. center : float The center of the skewed gaussian. std : float Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel, in seconds. alpha : float Magnitude and direction of the skew. height : float, optional, default: 1. Maximum value of the cycle. Returns ------- cycle : 1d array Output values for skewed gaussian function. Examples -------- Simulate a 2 Hz asymmetric sine cycle: >>> cycle = sim_skewed_gaussian_cycle(n_seconds=0.5, fs=500, center=0.25, ... std=0.25, alpha=2.5, height=1) """ n_samples = compute_nsamples(n_seconds, fs) # Gaussian distribution cycle = sim_gaussian_cycle(n_seconds, fs, std, center) # Skewed cumulative distribution function. # Assumes time are centered around 0. Adjust to center around non-zero. times = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_samples) cdf = norm.cdf(alpha * ((times - ((center * 2) - 1)) / std)) # Skew the gaussian cycle = cycle * cdf # Rescale height cycle = (cycle / np.max(cycle)) * height return cycle
[docs]def sim_exp_cos_cycle(n_seconds, fs, exp, scale=2, shift=1): """Simulate an exponential cosine cycle. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of cycle window in seconds. fs : float Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation. exp : float Exponent controlling the amplitude asymmetry of peaks relative to the troughs. - `exp=0` : zeros - `exp=.5`: wide peaks, narrow troughs - `exp=1.`: symmetrical peaks and troughs (sine wave) - `exp=5.`: wide troughs, narrow peaks scale : float, optional, default: 2 Rescales the amplitude of the signal. shift : float, optional, default: 1 Translate the signal along the y-axis. Returns ------- cycle : 1d array Simulated exponential cosine cycle. Notes ----- - This exponential cosine cycle is implemented as Equation 9 of [1]_. ..math:: cycle = ((cos(2\pi ft) + 1) / 2)^{exp} References ---------- .. [1] Lozano-Soldevilla, D., Huurne, N. T., & Oostenveld, R. (2016). Neuronal Oscillations with Non-sinusoidal Morphology Produce Spurious Phase-to-Amplitude Coupling and Directionality. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10. DOI: Examples -------- Simulate a cycle of an exponential cosine wave: >>> cycle = sim_exp_cos_cycle(1, 500, exp=2) """ check_param_range(exp, 'exp', [0., np.inf]) times = create_cycle_time(n_seconds, fs) cycle = ((-np.cos(times) + shift) / scale)**exp return cycle
[docs]def sim_asym_harmonic_cycle(n_seconds, fs, phi, n_harmonics): """Simulate an asymmetrical cycle as a sum of harmonics. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of cycle window in seconds. fs : float Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation. phi : float Phase at each harmonic. n_harmonics : int Number of harmonics to sum across. Returns ------- cycle : 1d array Simulated asymmetrical harmonic cycle. Notes ----- - This asymmetric cycle is implemented as Equation 10 of [1]_. .. math:: cycle = \sum_{j=1}^{j} \dfrac{1}{j^2} \cdot cos(j2\pi ft)+(j-1)*\phi References ---------- .. [1] Lozano-Soldevilla, D., Huurne, N. T., & Oostenveld, R. (2016). Neuronal Oscillations with Non-sinusoidal Morphology Produce Spurious Phase-to-Amplitude Coupling and Directionality. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10. DOI: Examples -------- Simulate an asymmetrical cycle as the sum of harmonics: >>> cycle = sim_asym_harmonic_cycle(1, 500, phi=1, n_harmonics=1) """ times = create_cycle_time(n_seconds, fs) cycs = np.zeros((n_harmonics+1, len(times))) harmonics = np.array(range(1, n_harmonics + 2)) for idx, jth in enumerate(harmonics): cycs[idx] = (1 / jth**2) * np.cos(jth*times+(jth-1)*phi) cycle = np.sum(cycs, axis=0) return cycle
# Alias action potential from `sim_action_potential` def sim_ap_cycle(n_seconds, fs, centers, stds, alphas, heights): return sim_action_potential(n_seconds, fs, centers, stds, alphas, heights) sim_ap_cycle.__doc__ = sim_action_potential.__doc__ # Alias single exponential cycle from `sim_synaptic_kernel` def sim_exp_cycle(n_seconds, fs, tau_d): return sim_synaptic_kernel(n_seconds, fs, tau_r=0, tau_d=tau_d) sim_exp_cycle.__doc__ = sim_synaptic_kernel.__doc__ # Alias double exponential cycle from `sim_synaptic_kernel` def sim_2exp_cycle(n_seconds, fs, tau_r, tau_d): return sim_synaptic_kernel(n_seconds, fs, tau_r=tau_r, tau_d=tau_d) sim_2exp_cycle.__doc__ = sim_synaptic_kernel.__doc__ def create_cycle_time(n_seconds, fs): """Create a vector of time indices, in radians, for a single cycle. Parameters ---------- n_seconds : float Length of simulated kernel in seconds. fs : float Sampling rate of simulated signal, in Hz. Returns ------- 1d array Time indices. Examples -------- Create time indices, in radians, for a single cycle: >>> indices = create_cycle_time(n_seconds=1, fs=500) """ return 2 * np.pi * 1 / n_seconds * (np.arange(n_seconds * fs) / fs) def phase_shift_cycle(cycle, shift): """Phase shift a simulated cycle time series. Parameters ---------- cycle : 1d array Cycle values to apply a rotation shift to. shift : float or {'min', 'max'} If non-zero, applies a phase shift by rotating the cycle. If a float, the shift is defined as a relative proportion of cycle, between [0, 1]. If 'min' or 'max', the cycle is shifted to start at it's minima or maxima. Returns ------- cycle : 1d array Rotated cycle. Examples -------- Phase shift a simulated sine wave cycle: >>> cycle = sim_cycle(n_seconds=0.5, fs=500, cycle_type='sine') >>> shifted_cycle = phase_shift_cycle(cycle, shift=0.5) """ if isinstance(shift, (float, int)): check_param_range(shift, 'shift', [0., 1.]) else: check_param_options(shift, 'shift', ['min', 'max']) if shift == 'min': shift = np.argmin(cycle) elif shift == 'max': shift = np.argmax(cycle) else: shift = int(np.round(shift * len(cycle))) indices = range(shift, shift+len(cycle)) cycle = cycle.take(indices, mode='wrap') return cycle