
neurodsp.sim.cycles.sim_cycle(n_seconds, fs, cycle_type, phase=0, **cycle_params)[source]

Simulate a single cycle of a periodic pattern.


Length of cycle window in seconds. This is NOT the period of the cycle, but the length of the returned array of the cycle.


Sampling frequency of the cycle simulation.

cycle_typestr or callable

What type of cycle to simulate. String label options include:

  • sine: a sine wave cycle

  • asine: an asymmetric sine cycle

  • sawtooth: a sawtooth cycle

  • gaussian: a gaussian cycle

  • skewed_gaussian: a skewed gaussian cycle

  • exp: a cycle with exponential decay

  • 2exp: a cycle with exponential rise and decay

  • exp_cos: an exponential cosine cycle

  • asym_harmonic: an asymmetric cycle made as a sum of harmonics

  • ap: an action potential

phasefloat or {‘min’, ‘max’}, optional, default: 0

If non-zero, applies a phase shift by rotating the cycle. If a float, the shift is defined as a relative proportion of cycle, between [0, 1]. If ‘min’ or ‘max’, the cycle is shifted to start at it’s minima or maxima.


Keyword arguments for parameters of the cycle, all as float:

  • sine: None

  • asine: rdsym, rise-decay symmetry, from 0-1

  • sawtooth: width, width of the rising ramp as a proportion of the total cycle

  • gaussian: std, standard deviation of the gaussian kernel, in seconds

  • skewed_gaussian: center, std, alpha, height

  • exp: tau_d, decay time, in seconds

  • 2exp: tau_r & tau_d rise time, and decay time, in seconds

  • exp_cos: exp, scale, shift

  • asym_harmonic: phi, the phase at each harmonic and n_harmonics

  • ap: centers, stds, alphas, heights

cycle1d array

Simulated cycle.


Any function defined in sim.cycles as sim_label_cycle(n_seconds, fs, **params), is accessible by this function. The cycle_type input must match the label.


Simulate a half second sinusoid, corresponding to a 2 Hz cycle (frequency=1/n_seconds):

>>> cycle = sim_cycle(n_seconds=0.5, fs=500, cycle_type='sine')

Simulate a sawtooth cycle, corresponding to a 10 Hz cycle:

>>> cycle = sim_cycle(n_seconds=0.1, fs=500, cycle_type='sawtooth', width=0.3)