
neurodsp.plts.plot_scv_rs_matrix(freqs, t_inds, scv_rs, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot spectral coefficient of variation, from the resampling method, as a matrix.

freqs1d array

Frequency vector.

t_inds1d array

Time indices.

scv_rs1d array

Spectral coefficient of variation, from resampling procedure.

axmatplotlib.Axes, optional

Figure axes upon which to plot.


Keyword arguments for customizing the plot.


Plot a SCV matrix from a simulated signal with a high probability of bursting at 10Hz:

>>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined
>>> from neurodsp.spectral import compute_scv_rs
>>> sim_components = {'sim_synaptic_current': {},
...                   'sim_bursty_oscillation': {'freq': 10,
...                                              'burst_params': {'enter_burst' : 0.75}}}
>>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=100, fs=500, components=sim_components)
>>> freqs, t_inds, scv_rs = compute_scv_rs(sig, fs=500, method='rolling', rs_params=(10, 2))
>>> # Plot the computed scv, plotting frequencies up to 20 Hz (index of 21)
>>> plot_scv_rs_matrix(freqs[:21], t_inds, scv_rs[:21])

Examples using neurodsp.plts.plot_scv_rs_matrix

Spectral Domain Analysis: Variance

Spectral Domain Analysis: Variance