Source code for neurodsp.plts.spectral

"""Plotting functions for neurodsp.spectral."""

from itertools import repeat, cycle

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import style_plot
from neurodsp.plts.utils import check_ax, savefig


[docs]@savefig @style_plot def plot_power_spectra(freqs, powers, labels=None, colors=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot power spectra. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d or 2d array or list of 1d array Frequency vector. powers : 1d or 2d array or list of 1d array Power values. labels : str or list of str, optional Labels for each time series. colors : str or list of str Colors to use to plot lines. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **kwargs Keyword arguments for customizing the plot. Examples -------- Plot a power spectrum: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined >>> from neurodsp.spectral import compute_spectrum >>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=10, fs=500, ... components={'sim_synaptic_current': {}, ... 'sim_bursty_oscillation' : {'freq': 10}}, ... component_variances=(0.5, 1.)) >>> freqs, powers = compute_spectrum(sig, fs=500) >>> plot_power_spectra(freqs, powers) """ ax = check_ax(ax, figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize', (6, 6))) freqs = repeat(freqs) if isinstance(freqs, np.ndarray) and freqs.ndim == 1 else freqs powers = [powers] if isinstance(powers, np.ndarray) and powers.ndim == 1 else powers if labels is not None: labels = [labels] if not isinstance(labels, list) else labels else: labels = repeat(labels) colors = repeat(colors) if not isinstance(colors, list) else cycle(colors) for freq, power, color, label in zip(freqs, powers, colors, labels): ax.loglog(freq, power, color=color, label=label) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax.set_ylabel('Power (V^2/Hz)')
[docs]@savefig @style_plot def plot_scv(freqs, scv, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot spectral coefficient of variation. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequency vector. scv : 1d array Spectral coefficient of variation. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **kwargs Keyword arguments for customizing the plot. Examples -------- Plot the spectral coefficient of variation: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined >>> from neurodsp.spectral import compute_scv >>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=10, fs=500, ... components={'sim_powerlaw': {}, 'sim_oscillation' : {'freq': 10}}) >>> freqs, scv = compute_scv(sig, fs=500) >>> plot_scv(freqs, scv) """ ax = check_ax(ax, figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize', (5, 5))) ax.loglog(freqs, scv) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax.set_ylabel('SCV')
[docs]@savefig @style_plot def plot_scv_rs_lines(freqs, scv_rs, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot spectral coefficient of variation, from the resampling method, as lines. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequency vector. scv_rs : 2d array Spectral coefficient of variation, from resampling procedure. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **kwargs Keyword arguments for customizing the plot. Examples -------- Plot the spectral coefficient of variation using a resampling method: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined >>> from neurodsp.spectral import compute_scv_rs >>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=10, fs=500, ... components={'sim_powerlaw': {}, 'sim_oscillation' : {'freq': 10}}) >>> freqs, t_inds, scv_rs = compute_scv_rs(sig, fs=500, nperseg=500, method='bootstrap', ... rs_params=(5, 200)) >>> plot_scv_rs_lines(freqs, scv_rs) """ ax = check_ax(ax, figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize', (8, 8))) ax.loglog(freqs, scv_rs, 'k', alpha=0.1) ax.loglog(freqs, np.mean(scv_rs, axis=1), lw=2) ax.loglog(freqs, len(freqs)*[1.]) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax.set_ylabel('SCV')
[docs]@savefig @style_plot def plot_scv_rs_matrix(freqs, t_inds, scv_rs, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot spectral coefficient of variation, from the resampling method, as a matrix. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequency vector. t_inds : 1d array Time indices. scv_rs : 1d array Spectral coefficient of variation, from resampling procedure. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **kwargs Keyword arguments for customizing the plot. Examples -------- Plot a SCV matrix from a simulated signal with a high probability of bursting at 10Hz: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined >>> from neurodsp.spectral import compute_scv_rs >>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=100, fs=500, ... components={'sim_synaptic_current': {}, ... 'sim_bursty_oscillation': {'freq': 10, 'enter_burst':0.75}}) >>> freqs, t_inds, scv_rs = compute_scv_rs(sig, fs=500, method='rolling', rs_params=(10, 2)) >>> # Plot the computed scv, plotting frequencies up to 20 Hz (index of 21) >>> plot_scv_rs_matrix(freqs[:21], t_inds, scv_rs[:21]) """ ax = check_ax(ax, figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize', (10, 5))) im = ax.imshow(np.log10(scv_rs), aspect='auto', extent=(t_inds[0], t_inds[-1], freqs[-1], freqs[0])) plt.colorbar(im, label='SCV') ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
[docs]@savefig @style_plot def plot_spectral_hist(freqs, power_bins, spectral_hist, spectrum_freqs=None, spectrum=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot spectral histogram. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequencies over which the histogram is calculated. power_bins : 1d array Power bins within which histogram is aggregated. spectral_hist : 2d array Spectral histogram to be plotted. spectrum_freqs : 1d array, optional Frequency axis of the power spectrum to be plotted. spectrum : 1d array, optional Spectrum to be plotted over the histograms. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **kwargs Keyword arguments for customizing the plot. Examples -------- Plot a spectral histogram: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined >>> from neurodsp.spectral import compute_spectral_hist >>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=100, fs=500, ... components={'sim_synaptic_current': {}, ... 'sim_bursty_oscillation' : {'freq': 10}}, ... component_variances=(0.5, 1)) >>> freqs, bins, spect_hist = compute_spectral_hist(sig, fs=500, nbins=40, f_range=(1, 75), ... cut_pct=(0.1, 99.9)) >>> plot_spectral_hist(freqs, bins, spect_hist) """ # Get axis, with default of scaling figure height based on number of bins figsize = (8, 12 * len(power_bins) / len(freqs)) ax = check_ax(ax, figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize', figsize)) # Plot histogram intensity as image and automatically adjust aspect ratio im = ax.imshow(spectral_hist, extent=[freqs[0], freqs[-1], power_bins[0], power_bins[-1]], aspect='auto') plt.colorbar(im, label='Probability') ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax.set_ylabel('Log10 Power') # If a power spectrum is provided, plot over the histogram data if spectrum is not None: plt_inds = np.logical_and(spectrum_freqs >= freqs[0], spectrum_freqs <= freqs[-1]) ax.plot(spectrum_freqs[plt_inds], np.log10(spectrum[plt_inds]), color='w', alpha=0.8)